Wednesday, November 04, 2015
History Was Made!
A thorough sweep of the Good Ol' Boys occurred last night. My district in particular sent a message of desire for real change.
It was well worth being there to witness it all as it happened!
The same night there was a thoroughly crazy City Council meeting which I did not go to. The City Manager rescinded his half - assed resignation.
It seems most Yakima residents are not thrilled with O'Rourke and that the dissatisfaction crosses party lines.
If O'Rourke is staying he needs to roll up his sleeves, get to work and realize that the Sunshine laws exist.
Tony Sandoval did poorly. He considers himself a Democrat, and has over the years been a good Democrat. I think he has slipped right-ward on too many issues in an attempt to get some cross-over votes.
The end result is he upset people who would be his natural supporters.
You win by being yourself. Yes, it's good to get cross-over votes if you can, but you need to do it using issues where you really agree and actually don't have too many such issues.
I think the other exciting thing about this election is so many of the new Cuty Council are bright, young Latinas.
They are coming from a back-ground of Community activism and from having lived the struggle which the out-going council members have not experienced.