Friday, July 13, 2012


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Well, sometimes that 'new streamlined Blogger Interface' is more aggro than I care to deal with...

Today I am fasting. How well I get through it is going to determine if I go through the fast this year or not. I have done this before and know what are the signs of things going badly.

Mr. T. is not in any shape to fast. I want him to have a thorough physical exam in any case because it's been awhile.

He looks strong and fit, but he has medical issues. I flat told him don't try it even.

I think he feels left out a little.

Mostly I drank water. You actually should not eat heavily. It makes it harder.

I sat up awhile, since mass quantities of water had to work their way down.

Then I went back to lie down. I had six and half glasses of water. I got up to visit the washroom for each glass.

I am looking forward to my camel milk and dates later.

That little touch of acacia honey makes camel milk even nicer.

It helps the stomach greatly.

I had to tell Mr. T. to go ahead and enjoy his coffee. I said to him, 'It's fine if you have your coffee!'

He has his routines and doesn't like them interfered with. ت.

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