Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Cold and Colder

I have been fairly busy. It almost seems that keeping up with Balkans
news headline by headline us too much. We have been cold in the Yakima
Gulag, but bosnia and Hercegovina have had both floods and snow in
epic amounts. Croatia has had floods. Mrs. Mladić was in court on some
gun related charges.
The Mladić family has been trying to have him declared dead.
I have no idea. My speculatipns about the where-abouts of Karadžic
were mostly off base. My crystal ball sucks!
I need a new one. Must've been that last power surge.

I think the guy is still alive, albeit in bad health. I think his wife
might even know where he is. Then again, maybe he has set up a whole
other life.

Angela Jolie really has disappointed me with her movie project. I
think at best it is in poor taste. This is ground where a foreigner to
the region ought to tread lightly. She's going to film in Hungary. I
suppose people who don't know any better will think the whole thing is
just wonderful. It isn't. Angelina should know better. She doesn't.

Angelina Jolie is behaving very oddly over the whole business. In spite of being a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador she doesn't really seem to have much idea about being diplomatic and preserving goodwill.
Then again, just ask any Bosnian about the UNHCR. They did some good, but also distributed a lot of seriously out dated food. Therebare other U.N. Agencies which have set up barriers to the effective prosecution of war time rapes and massacres of civilians. I think Angrlina Jolie has become very defensive about this project. She certainly has investors and has sunk money into the deal, and she'd have to give back the investor's money. So it is very hard for her to admit this project might have been a bad idea. Also What In The Hell makes her think the women war victims are going to go to Budapest? They don't have money and many might not even have passports, if they have jobs or other duties they of course would not have gone. I mean who the Hell does Angelina Jolie think she is? She should have gone to meet the women war victims in Sarajevo. I think that if she had done that early in the project and LISTENED to their stories, it might have been better for her and her project.
Absolutely. The problem with being a jet-setter is that you forget other people don't jet everywhere.
and Budapest is one Hell of a long bus ride from Sarajevo and other parts of BiH! maybe it would be nithing to an old fashioned American bus rider, but it still involves crossing some borders, in places where Bosnians might not be so welcome.
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