Wednesday, September 08, 2010



I need to retract the statement that Jones had child porn charges. He
is an evil person, but he is not guilty on that score. He however IS
spirtually abusive.
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And just because it never gets old, Jones also cited a fictitious atrocity against Christians in Bosnia to justify the Koran burning.

From the NYT blog:

In his televised statement on Wednesday, Mr. Jones argued that the book burning was justified by a never-before reported atrocity an unnamed former soldier claimed to have witnessed during the war in Bosnia, in which “radical Muslims” had massacred Christians in a burning hospital in front of American troops, who were not allowed to intervene.

Mr. Jones spoke of the event as if it were well known, but it is not, and may not have occurred. While there were massacres carried out by Serb, Croat and Muslim forces in Bosnia’s war, a search of the Bosnian War Crimes Atlas compiled by the Research and Documentation Center in Sarajevo turns up no record of any atrocity like the one he says the soldier described to him.

To a reporter who worked in Bosnia during that war, the story Mr. Jones told on Wednesday sounds very like the kind of fictional tales of wartime atrocities against Christians that were cited by Bosnian Serbs and Croats at the time to justify the well-documented massacres of Muslims that did take place — like the murder of thousands of Muslim men and boys buried in mass graves around Srebrenica in 1995.

Postwar research concluded that about 65 percent of the documented victims of the war were Bosnian Muslims, many of whom were from secular families that often included Serb or Croat members.

It should also be noted that American soldiers arrived in Bosnia as peacekeepers only after the end of the conflict there.
Always delighted to hear from you Shaina!

I did read elsewhere that Jones is a member of the Karadzic fan club. The man is evil and out of his mind.

Now I guess he is going to do the burn after all. Even having Secretary Gates call was not enough.

I don't think anything is EVER enough for such people.
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