Monday, August 23, 2010


Mobilni Post

The Mothers of Srebenica are going to sue former ICTY Prosecutor Carla
Del Ponte. She allowed the destruction of evidence from mass graves,
items such as ID cards, articles of clothing.

The excuse was that these items were deteriorating and could not be
preserved. The families of the victims are very angry about the whole

It is the families who have the right to decide what happens to the
personal effects of their murdered loved ones.
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I wonder if they will end up with the same situation as for their Srebrenica case - a resort to the defence of absolute immunity? It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Another interesting legal development is the Humanitarian Law Society of a criminal complaint with the Serbian war crimes prosecutor against members of the Tenth Commando for genocide at Srebrenica. That puts Serbia on the spot as a signatory to the Genocide Convention. Will the Serbian courts carry out a prosecution fro genocide?
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