Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Help! I feel like I stepped into a nasty little time warp!:

I just saw film of the third night of riots in Belfast on CNN. Obviously someone let the parade routes by the wrong housing estates again (for you Americans not up on the story 'housing projects') and people got upset.

I wonder as I did years ago, what would happen if a bunch of IRA types in uniform marched through Sandy Row some Easter Monday, how would that go down? The answer is pretty obvious, there would be upset people receiving them less than nicely.

Well this all is a shame, because Northern Ireland was getting a bit more peaceful and people were doing better. Of course the current economic state has not helped. Less business, less money coming in, people generally being more worried. Northern Ireland was in fact a very good model for what a decent economy can do for peace. Now I am afraid it is a good illustration for what a bad economy does to make for unrest. :(

775 coffins in one mass burial - and that's less than ten per cent of the victims. I feel that Tadic's presence without Mladic's arrest is a gesture of convenience, but other people feel that it is a more positive development - a consolidation of very slow progress.
The marching season is always a precarious time. There's quite a lot of progress at risk. What the marches do is open up an opportunity for the Dissident IRA to exploit the dissatisfactions with Sinn Fein's participation in government.
Re: Marching Season, those dissident faction IRA people were many of them either too young or not born yet. they have no idea what really caused The Troubles nor do they understand the value of peace!

Re Srebenica: I wish Serbs in Bosnia Hercegovina would make some gestures to indicate remorse. Not all of them did bad things but the ones who did need to man up.
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