Monday, May 03, 2010


So if the Lynx are dumped on Monday does that make them Mynx?

Not Balkans Related but IMPORTANT: This did not get covered in our Quzling corprathug supine news services. It was not in the local papers, it was not on the TV news ANY T.V. news here in the States but it matters. Not all Americans are sitting back and taking it!

and in Sarajevo, something unprecedented.

on above link, the police presence was totally justified and needed...

When Obama was a candidate I worried whether he would care enough about Bosnia or not.

He needs to care, for the very reasons reasons Mr. Tihic mentions. A lot of people I am in touch with are concerned about how much Dodik is simply getting away with. We can't trust the EU in Bosniaa Hercegovina. Not alone anyway.

Institutionalization of mentally disabled people is common in the Balkans. It is not just the case in Croatia. Physically handicapped people can have a tough time getting around as well. Both groups often are institutionalized.

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