Monday, April 05, 2010


Taking the back door in again...

I do not know how to remove the thing that is making it hard to view my own blog from my own machine at home. I did use one of my ways to get in the back way. I wanted to also say that my eye surgery recovery is not going badly. On the way to the family Easter festivities, which included DELICIOUS angel food cake with strawberriies and REAL whipped cream... my son-in-law pointed out a ground squirrel and I saw the little guy! My doctor tells me I am at the low end of normal vision. I should be getting glasses in another week or so. They will help me with mid range vision and close up where I have a problem with the eye where I had the operation.
Still have to put drops in four times a day, hate doing it, but I know it is for my own good. So I do it.

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