Friday, February 12, 2010


Foggy in the Yakima Gulag

It is way foggy this morning. I have an early appointment, I came here as much to actually stay awake as anything else. I have been annoyed by small things I use being misplaced in my room despite the fact it is not an overly cluttered room. A clip I use to keep my scarf on that I purchased in the Markale, some batteries I got because the ones in my CD player have run out and now I have no clue where the Hell I set them. A favorite sewing needle decided to grow legs apparently and walk away. Even the desparate tactic of walking barefoot throughout my room has not resulted in a painful find, and normally that last measure would have resulted in finding the needle. In the case of the needle some person called me on my mobile phone right when I was using the needle, not naming names but getting distracted can cause anyone to lose things.
On the upside, the new neighbor made dinner for everyone last night. Turns out he hates eating alone. I don't awfully mind eating alone. I have figured out a mostly healthy diet for myself that can be made using a microwave. I don't like to get fancy unless I am cooking for more than one. It simply involves too many dishes, too many pans and too much time. Why go to all that fuss for just one person? So I don't. :) The two ladies in the house don't cook the two guys however are OBSESSED with cooking and go to trouble daily to cook. I think it's almost funny. :)

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