Thursday, January 14, 2010


Again with the dentist's

I had a back tooth taken out yesterday, I was sort of shocky but for no real good reason since there was not a lot of pain, they did not even numb me to the gills like had to be done for the attempted root canal. That back tooth had a filling but the filling fell out by bits, most memorably part of it came out in Sarajevo, in the wee hours on a dark and stormy night. Anyway that procedure took next to no time since it was what they call in the trade, a 'root tip'. Once it was over I was sent home with instructions for the things not to do, and a prescription for some pain relievers. I got on the wrong bus, because I was still sort of recovering. Anyway, before I got on the bus, I saw the police taking somebody away and the wrong bus I got on was the 1 Summitview. There must have been a fight in there because there were little splats of blood on the floor and there was a streak of blood on the thing where people can put their bags. It's one of the Thompsons, very similar to busses in Sarajevo actually from the way it is configured. Anyway, I had to switch busses and wait awhile before getting home. By then I was too tired to go to the pharmacy. I got off at a stop sooner than my regular stop too. jebiga
Sorry for the profanity, it's a pain relief effort.
I have been horrified by the earthquake in Haiti, and horrified that Rush Limbaugh thinks our president cares more about it, than the guy who lit his farts on the plane to Detroit also by Pat Roberson's outrageous comment that Haiti was 'cursed' because of some supposed pact with the Devil in pre-Revolutionary times. Hej @ Pat Roberson! Majka Vam Jebi! Also he made my list of people I will have ethnically cleansed in the event of massive stuff going wrong in the country at some point..... LONG AGO, he just moved his sorry butt higher up the list.

Sympathy for the teeth and sympathy for living in the same country as Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson.
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