Thursday, May 07, 2009


A long day and it's not over yet....

So today I had my first mamogram. I have never had one. There isn't a history of breast cancer in my family. Still it's a precaution that my doctor felt was appropriate so I complied. I have to say that Ohana, which is one of two places for getting this procedure is well run, attractively decorated and efficient.

They also have good coffee. Not that they encourage mass consumption of coffee, it's not good for some stuff like fibrocystic disease.... Still a girl likes to have her cup of coffee!

Feeling a bit squished and tired I went on home to rest...

No word about the apartment yet. That is starting to get on my nerves because I need to know. The only consolation I have is that my housemates haven't heard if they can get their place in the country either.

I totally can't live in the country, not in THIS country where it's so hard for a non-driver to get from Point A to Point B if you start off in Outer Mongolia.

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