Friday, May 08, 2009


Finding a flat in the Yakima Gulag is harder than finding one in Sarajevo!

On the downside from this my housemates didn't get the place in the country they wanted. The guy at the apartments gave me some story that sounded like a Cover Story to me and to my somewhat paranoid housemates, and they never even heard back from the place they wanted.

I actually have reason to suspect discrimination in the case of my flat. The new game plan is I've told them if they want a place in the outskirts it has GOT to be on Community Connector, which is a 'by donation' free service for getting around the Valley. If they do that, my quality of life will be o.k. and they could do being in the country. All I ask is close enough to the stop that in most weather conditions I could get to the stop.

I am beginning to think the idea of a place in the country for my housemates is looking more like a pipe-dream though.

O.K. I am an American, no criminal record, no drug use, no excesses of any sort really and I am having much greater difficulty finding a flat than I did in Sarajevo. I found two different flats there, and didn't have all this stupid trouble.

I'm sure they have just as many people who should be avoided as tenants as anyone in this region. Meth and drugs are present in the Balkans, so are sex offenders, and people who drink too much or don't pay their bills. So why is it harder here?

As well, I didn't feel discriminated against ever in seeking a flat. I have sometimes felt people did that here in the States.

Anyway, I will be calling the background check place and giving them a piece of my mind. The manager is 'just following orders' he has a family a wife and kids to think of. Back-ground check companies are another matter! They are NOT infalliable. Only God is infalliable.

Yakima, please raise awareness about the latest scandal. The U.N. Tribunal (ICTY) is destroying evidence of Srebrenica Genocide,

It's been confirmed.
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