Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Stuff you hear about....

A friend of mine I've known a long time and I finally caught up with each other. She was telling me about this thing called the Magic Jack. It's a deal you can use to have phone service. It's not in my plans now, I checked it out, it looks like you need a credit card or debit/credit to use it. I might be willing to do one of those ones you get and refill for that purpose, but it also looks like they might be a scam. Florida has fined them a lot. I Googled them just to see what sort of buzz was out there. Sounds like Angry Killer Bee Buzz to me!

Yesterday was simply beautiful. I walked around in my new ankle braces and actually even in hot weather they aren't too bad. The support is nice!

I got out a bit later than I planned on.

I was trying to look up one of my friends in the online phone book for Sarajevo and I have to say the latest re-configuration STINKS! Mercifully I found the address and phone numbers in my luggage. I moved all my Winter clothes into suitcases and took out my Spring through Summer things. I live on a small room so I need to do that just to have space. So now I am going to sit down and write D... a letter and ask her to have H... send addresses to me so I can FINALY send my Sarajevo friends some post cards!

Do you have ANY IDEA how hard it is to get post cards for Yakima which are actually PRINTED in WASHINGTON STATE? Or even in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

Stasno! I found that Wal*Mart is the only place at all to get post cards for the Yakima Gulag! Then originally most were printed in SINGAPORE! jebiga!

So I went and said something to someone.... This resulted in Yakima area post cards printed in Tacoma, Washington and I was really happy and bought a bunch of them and told them I was really delighted.

I used to never shop at Wal*Mart. Two reasons, my daughter is employed at a grocery store which does have a union. It costs me a little more, but giving my daughter a job and keeping her hours respectable is a way to gain my patronage. I tend to buy from people who employ my kids! :)

The other reason was the political ick factor. Wal*Mart however has done a thing which kind of turns that around a little in my mind, a big thing!

They actually are getting behind some form of health care reform.

You have to understand that working Americans do not get the health care ANY Bosnian can get without worry. Poor Americans who are on assistance can get things done but it's likely a working American in a job without a union may be uninsured.

Finally the big companies are acknowleging what a burden health care AND the health problems of uninsured workers constitutes. Wal*Mart never has had health care. Their workforce isn't unionized either. So for Wal*Mart to actually back something on a national scale is a Good Thing!

So I feel way less guilty about getting the occasional thing I can't find elsewhere.

Safeway however is my main source of food items and cleaning supplies.

It's taken the US all this time to realise what Bismark understood more than a century ago. A prosperous nation needs healthy and secure citizens. Of course the corporate giants will do their best to offload the cost on someone else.
Well, the U.S. political system at the legislative branch, is dominated by lawyers and insurance agents, both groups would lose out to any trend towards nationalized health care. The corporate giants actually would gain, because the rising costs of health insurance are eatting corporate entities ALIVE!

regular people can't afford the real costs of health care once they lose their jobs either.
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