Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Snijeg ponovo!

Today's dose of snow made me decide to come here to the library later than usual. I was kind of feeling the incoming weather yesterday and didn't want to walk in the snow. I cancelled an appointment with a friend for that reason.

There were a lot of angry birds in the trees while the snow was falling in huge flakes. Thank God it hasn't stuck!

I have a meeting which I must attend since it's only quarterly and next time is ... well 3 months from now. I hate that set-up!

I had an awful time with my stomach yesterday.... shopping was fairly unpleasant.

At least it's done! :)

I worked over a short film and it got too long to fit on the biggest thukmb drive I have. I emptied it completely of EVERYTHING and it shows a quarter of it's capacity as being 'occupied'!
So now I am going to go back and cut it a little. That's the easiest method.

Windows Movie Maker is very weird about music. It will put on music where there is DRM, but then when you go to real player that program will let you know. So I try that ahead sometimes, if I have time. It's caused a couple full re-edits in the past. This time I am pretty sure there's no DRM issues, but there's a huge dead air portion of the film. I should try narration. I haven't messed with narration yet.
Usually if I empty a thumb-drive I can put whatever on it bez problema!

Now it's sort of sunny out! Wheee!

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