Tuesday, April 07, 2009



So hte housemates and I are considering going to Seattle for an Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony! I read about it and it's like much more likely to happen than getting a CatGenie. I still think we should get a CatGenie! Everyone who9 has a large cat, or multiple cats ought to tonsider it!

HDTV pisses me off!It goes off the air so easily! It's almost like trying to get online from home, only worse because instead of just listening to myself get mad, I gotta hear everyone else get mad! ;) I can't wait for Stupor Bowl Season, I predict MASSIVE football riots all over the U.S.! Since Americans don't know how to be good football huligans it's gonna get ugly!

My housemate went out to go shoot stuff and fish. (No animals will be harmed except maybe a fish or two and she's not shooting them! ) She invited me to come along, but I needed to do Easter shopping and food for me shopping.

I have to do that when I have the energy for it, I bussed up and got to see my daughter at work. That was nice. I have missed seeing her!

What on earth is the CatGenie? This is cultural mystification at work.
The CatGenie is like a cross between a cat box and a toilet designed for house-cats, it looks like a toilet, it has instead of water sand-like granules that you never need to change, the cat flushes it and all ickieness is sent away. You never have to clean another cat box, your house smells WAY better, and the cat is happier!

they cost about $267 USD at this time. I want one for my housemate the Cat, the Cat is HUGE and she needs her box done twice a week.
I think this is more information than I really need to know, but my fault, I asked for it!
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