Monday, April 13, 2009


All Hail Easter Monday!

Yeah we got hail and I got stuck in it for a few moments on the way back to the house. I'm o.k. but man I wish I'd brought my rain coat.

It was a quiet weekend spent it with my daughter's assorted inlaws and the grand-babies. They liked what I got them for Easter, it was obtained slowly and carefully chosen with what they like in mind.

Everyone was happy about the take down of the sleezy Somali pirates! My daughter did tell the kids that they couldn't ever be pirates for Halloween again! :)

there were three delicious kinds of cake, I ended up trying all three, and had loads of salad and other good veggies. I passed on the lovely ham because your finer pork products give me acne in places I can't talk about along with on my face.

That was fine the rest of it was super delicious and the place these relatives have is always cool to visit. It's very well decorated. I looked at a magazine about ponds and watched the news with them all and ate.

I also was given a cool thing by a friend...

an amber bead with a bee in it! I have ALWAYS wanted a piece of amber with a bug in it! it's sooo cool! I take it out and look at t he bee caught there, she looks like she's made of gold.

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