Monday, March 30, 2009


the Righteous Mothers Come to the Yakima Gulag

So dear friends, I was given a ticket by the editor of the Jackrabbit News to go see the Righteous Mothers, yes there is a Balkans connection... not in hte music, it was all American, but one of them has a Bosnian son-in-law and her daughter was in Sarajevo last year at the same time I was. This was cool.

These women have performed at Yakima Folklife Festival and I enjoyed them very much, especially the song 'Boring Meeting' and 'Knock it Off or We'll Take it Off'

That song is a You8Tube hit! I may have the title wrong but I've got the chorus right! :)

They were nice to meet and the price of the ticket did include meze, (sorry can't spell 'meze' in French at the moment!)

My ankles continue giving me fits. I am getting examined for them soon. Needless to say no slepping!

My housemate had Spring Break coincide with watching a 2 year old nephew. Mercifully I already had plans for the day! :) I will be gone running various errends none of which involve slepping!

None of those errends involve small children.

I had not realized my facetious remarks would cause one or two people to send lengthy comments to my site. It may be the same person, two different names one LONG comment. I won't publish any of it until I have read it in full. Hard here because The DAMNED MONITOR IS MILES AWAY from my eyes!

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