Sunday, March 01, 2009


Eat at the Taj Palace!

My daughter was ill when it was actually my birthday, so was my grand daughter so dinner with them had to wait...until last night. She treated me to dinner at the Taj Palace, the newest and so far best Indian restaraunt ever to exist in the Yakima Gulag.

S. came and so did my grand daughter who is 7 and hasn't been out for Indian food before. It was fun watching my daughter, order, pay for and eat stuff I used to make!

It was all good, and the people who run the place are nice too, very friendly wait staff there and they have nice music going all the time.

I ordered the mixed tandoori grill and a rose lassi. excellent all around!

My daughter surprised me with their mango ice cream which is made on premisis as is their paneer, (Indian cheese for those of you in Rio Del!) The rose lassi was delicious and it isn't commonly available when you go out. The place does have a drinks menu that is nice. The meat is well done, and I love tandoori dishes anyway. The mixed grill has shrimp, lamb, and chicken and a couple little ground kebabs.

Dishes come with basmati rice and you can order several kinds of nan.

They do have a reasonably priced all you can eat lunch buffet too. Definately go there if you are in the Yakima Gulag for any reason, the place is on Nob Hill, just past Red Robin.

Not much chance of me trying it, but thanks for the taster!
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