Sunday, February 01, 2009


Stupor Bowl Sunday

One of the housemates is a big football fan, he only watches 'important games' anyway we all had a bad night, S. caught something virulent, and then we are just waiting for the rest of us to get it next. You know so we can go to our various sources of medical attention and get like pills or something. Anywy with S. sick, P. and I switch off being 'on call' and it's my time out. I am here to do my computer stuff and then read a local paper, then if the Student fUnion is open I may go make some phone calls on the phone in the Quiet Lunge. If it isn't those calls wait until tomorrow. I am really grateful because it conserves my minutes to do that. Thanks Yakima Gulag People's Institute of Higher Re:Education!
Plus I ran into an old instructor I want to see tomorrow, she said come by the office tomorrow or another Monday so I will. You never know, it could be useful and if nothing else we'll catch up.
It's actually pretty nice out today.

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