Sunday, January 25, 2009


Snow yesterday, cold and clear today...

it snowed yesterday in the Yakima Gulag! Just a light dusting but very pretty all the same. Now it's melted and the sun is out sort of.

I had kind of bad sleep last night. I didn't even get to sleep until fairly late, then the car kept chirping. Thankfully the alarm didn't go off! :) I often am who shuts that down. If I can just wake up fast enough.

I always check to see if in fact any car thieves are trying to do what they do, there never are, just cats usually.

Once a small bird that looked like a robin set it off.

I think so far President Obama has made sound appointments. I liked that he's in the process of shutting down the Guantanamo Detention facility. I noted that he had a bunch of generals and such who had resigned or been pushed to resign over this issue as well. Many of them probably are really Republicans politically, in private life.

I think the point was made that sound advice WAS given to the previous president and he didn't want to hear it.

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