Monday, January 26, 2009


Badly designed stuff....

I am getting really sick of every time I try to plug my computer in, someplace other than home.... even at home, something sparks. I am phobic about electricity and I don't like to shove or push to get something plugged in. This trauma by the way I was largely spared in Sarajevo European plugs, at least Bosnian ones generally match the outlet just fine, and there is no fuss plugging or unplugging unless you also have an adapter, for an American plug in, then the spark will be at that adapter. It provokes those 'Monk Moments'... I usually feel like an idiot, it shouldn't scare me but there you go, it does!

I saw someone plug in in the Student Union at the Yakima Gulag People's Institute of Higher Re:Education and that resulted in a total flame out and scared the govno out of me! I did not need to see that at all, reinforced my phobia.....

So today Rant Wing Radio is all up in arms because President Obama aaid to them to 'Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and get some work done' or words to that effect! HAH the reaction proves that there indeed IS such an animal as right wing 'Political Correctness' My housemate was listening to the whole thing on her car radio after dropping off her child at school. She came in and asked if I were a Rush Limbaugh fan, and I said 'Basically I love to hate the guy....' So she recounted it and I said 'Well that's just the president popping off they do that at times....' and we laughed.

I so far like what's doing with the new president. I am sure at times we are going to disagree, that's o.k. that's what Democracy is all about!

Russia hasn't gotten that whole Democracy as of yet... two journalists were shot down in cold blood near to Red Square. Criticism of policy in Chechnya doesn't lead to a long life span.

Here in America, the odds of criticism of Iraq or Afghanistan policy leading to being shot in cold blood is relatively low. I am not saying it could never happen, but it would not have been ordered by the past president or this one.

Zivi Amerika!

It's a long time ago now but when I had to use them American electrical sockets seemed a bit primitive. I guess the problem is the inability of central government to impose new standards when it would be a massive expensive upheaval to change. But in any case it's probably worth checking that your plugs and sockets are securely wired.
I understand (even though I don't see it myself) how there could be some people in this country who find the bigoted rhetoric of Limbaugh and Hanity appealing; but it seems as if a large number of republican leadership-even those who presumably don't share the same views as Limbaugh and Hannity remain syncophrantic 'yes men'. See for example that congressman(?) who had to walk back on his very mild (and imo) appropriate criticism of Limbaugh's line of how he hoped Obama would fail, etc.

Oh, and in case you haven't visited the Bosnia Vault lately-just wanted to let you know that I've moved to WordPress with a new blog: Blogging Balkanistan.
I don't know if you have a wordpress account, but please drop on by.

(the link is through my name).
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