Sunday, December 21, 2008


Seclusion Rooms

Hat tip to my daughter who is a young mother of usually RULEY children. I was shocked govnoless to see this! Even in fascist states and under communisim this didn't happen!

I can't believe anyone would do that! Some unruley kids can be a danger, in which case they need to be in special school settings. I was once damn near killed in a classroom by a young girl who had mental issues. This happened in my junior high in San Francisco. The school should have been sued silly by my parents. Still, a seclusion room isn't the answer, correct counseling IS. I am sorry to hear from my daughter that seclusion rooms are in use in the Yakima School district. I am ashamed to see this going on in my country ANYPLACE!

If a kid has mental health related behavioral issues by all means get them to a psychologist or psychoanalyst, but NOT in a kiddie jail cell!

If kids have problems, they should definitely be subjected to counselling so they can understand their problems better and deal with them. No child was burn to be violent or bad. They just need to understand this world better.
Happy and flu=free New Year!
Well schools are on budget constraints, but that is NO excuse, there's always ways to deal with their stuff. Sometimes handing off to a different grownup for a bit can do the trick! :)
S. does that sometimes when nothing else works.
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