Friday, December 05, 2008


Recovering...and what has happened to OTC flu meds...

O.K. suggestions to use brandy or rakija haven't been taken, because our household has gone completely dry. This is because one member is a recovering alchololic. Even alcohol in medicines is being avoided for this reason.

I went flu med shopping and it was a travesty! I am realy rather pissed off if you want the truth. I usually get NyQuil, it's a witches brew involving a bunch of stuff that shouldn't go together, but it worked. Unfortunately they have tinkered with the formula. I don't mind that it doesn't have alcohol anymore, big deal. I'd rather just go get that stuff straight if you know w hat I mean nd I think you do! I don't think it is fair to put SACCARIN and ASPERTAME in it and sometimes SORBITOL. These are artificial sweetners which o.k. if you are diabetic fine, I feel your pain, fake sugar is better than nothing. What pisses me off is these OTC remedies are placed in with the remediies for NON-diabetics! I can't have any of the artificial sweetners. Sorbitol gives me like non-stop runs odmah, Aspertame is a knonw migraine trigger and very bad for me and Sacharin has been studied as a possible cause of birth defects. O.K. I am too old to have kids so that isn't an issue for me, not anymore, Aspertame the jury is still out on whether it causes birth defects or not. Sorbitol is in the I personally don't know catagory. ALL of the mare freakishly disgustingly bitter substances. They are really AWFUL tasting. I tore thr4ough the cold -flu remedy shelves and finally I decided to check the KIDS section. I got some Children's NyQuil. It has no Tyelenol, it has no asprin, (sometimes I can't take asprin, stomach problems...) and no alcohol. I noted as well NO artificial sweetners! Now I should NOT have in that state HAD to go through all that! I got two bottles. It turns out this is a good thing, I am in decent shape, my ears even feel pretty good now. *(back to this later) the housemate who should not drink has come down with whatever I had. He is not a big one for going to the doctor. So I told him he could use that medicine if need be. Anywy, I have been off the net a good bit lately just because of not feeling well. Ivan the Terrible Minister of Technology has sent me a USB WiFi adapter, I just need the other stuff. Then maybe I can go online from home! WHEEEE!

I did some sandalwood oil in them and it broke up the infection in a fast hurry. Not everyone can tolerate direct application of essential oils, some people have allergies, but sandalwood oil has bsen clinically tested and will knock out staph infections. So I figured it was worth the risk since I already have some on hand. It's used to prevent wrinkles (that's how it's used in India) I t hink wrinkles in some casea are an infective process. I note them after some forms of acne, so I have used sandalwood oil or powder for that, depending which I had.

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