Friday, November 14, 2008


Wait there's more!

Do you know something weird? I decided the spoons sitution where I live isn't cool at all. I decided to get some spoons that fit my mouth. The only small spoons are GRAPEFRUIT spoons, and that's bad. So I went to my favorite thrift stores in search, nemao nijedan at the Salvation Army, forks,knives a couple bottle openers but NO spoons! I felt like staning in the aisle and screaming SPOON!!! at the top of my lungs. There were none! So I crossed the street to the Discovery shop and found ONE for 10 cents, allegedly stainless steel. That's just one spoon, so I went to the antique shop and got five spoons there. I have one to pack with me, and there's four nice spoons for the table now, Thanks to L.Q. who gave me a cute baby spoon belonging formerly to one of her sons, the one that looks a bit like Wierd Al. He knows who he is. It's great because I can carry an emergency spoon. Some places just don't have spoons.... At least not spoons that are small....

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