Wednesday, November 19, 2008



I don't know who is the BiH entry for Eurovision, but I do know that the Seva composition I posted yesterday is the entry for Croatia this year. I meant to mention that when I last posted. Internet was down at both the public library and the college library yesterday. Today only one computer is functional.

I don't want to complain, I am grateful to have easy access even for half an hour at the college, but a couple things about the public access computers are not good for me.

1. You have to stand.

2. I can't move the screen any closer to me which accounts for some of the typing glitches. Things meant for the public must be handicapped accesible in the States now, and I am wondering if this situation is even quite legal.

The other thing is that before Raymond Hall got rebuilt the public access computers were more numerous and you could sit and you got the same amount of time as in the public library. So this is a bit less than the past. I know because I used them in the past before the changes.

The good news is the librarians here at Raymond Hall ARE more computer literate than the downtown librarians, and very helpful.

I had too many errends yesterday to post here.

The leaves are falling here, but the weather has been crisp and nice. Things are over all going a bit better at the house. The housemate who HAS to quit drinking has cheered up a bit. Probably knowing we all decided to quit too was good for him.

So there is slightly less drama coming from him. This is good and appreciated. The guy has had a real problem for a long time. It is brave of him to even begin dealing with it, and we all pray it works out.

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