Monday, September 01, 2008


Editor is Planning Return to t he Gulag.

Today We (editorial We not royal We!) left the flat early. Today is the first day of Ramzan here, and I hope any Muslim readers who are fasting have a good fast. A good many of my friends are fasting. I noted a sign at the ljetne bašte by the Saudi Embassy that says they won't have the outdoor cafe open during Ramzan. I don't know how many places which serve food will be closed.

Speaking of food, I got some fresh absolutely fresh pinto beans, I am having those for dinner! Absolutely fresh pinto beans are delicious and don't give me gas!

There were some people behind the Markale selling them.

The anniversary of the shellings of the Markale, and the old City hall were observed. There are a lot of flowers and wreaths by the Markale.

Anyway, I am going to be fairly busy planning my return to captivity. Today I got the prices from one place, and she said, Tuesday she'd check again. I am checking other agencies besides that one.

It looks like I will leave 15 September, 14 September really because the cheapest way out may be to take a train to Zagreb, and overnight there, then fly a route that will take me to Paris, Amsterdam and then Seattle and then ground transport to the Gulag.

I have been away nearly a year, and it feels weird to be going back.

I have been taking alternate routes down the hill to see stuff I missed out on other times. The children here all return to school today.

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