Sunday, August 31, 2008


Not publishing guesses! :)

Because it would spoil the fun!

And now a word from Our Sponsors, I took a picture of the shop and that of another friend in Baščaršija, I recommend these places. Sometimes someone is around who speaks English. I gave my friends a little phrase book and they have been studying it, and I have been working with them on the all important 'th' sound, which is hard on Bosnians! I have them almost able to say 30 v.s. 13 correctly! I am so proud of them!

I resold any videos I think might not be legal copies. And have been getting ready. Tomorrow is comparison shopping day. Further note, my bank did not tell me there is for customers overseas a 'Collect Call' number. Most banks have them. I did not know that. If you are going to be overseas awhile, it's worth asking about it. I participated in my bank's survey and told the survey the names of EVERYONE who was even MILDLY helpful, so that it goes in their Permanent Record! :).

My landlady is here tomorrow is the begining of Ramzan. So my friends were telling me who was fasting this year and who probably won't be able to. It occured to me that since the F.S.O. and I are quits, I only have a couple non-Muslim friends! So who gets the surplus medovača is going to be entertaining. There is an acquaintance of mine, not at all close who works for O.H.R. and a Serbian-Croat girl who works in an art gallery here. She probably gets the spare medovača, because my acquaintance at O.H.R. hasn't been very good about staying in touch.
So she gets the medovača! She did a break-up recently too. So probably she needs it more really! :).

I have watched about McCain and his running mate. She is young, she's governor of Alaska, six kids. Other than that I don't know anything about her. Obama here is perceived as being a little more friendly to Serbia. Not surprising, he has a Serbian-American community of some size in Illinois. Biden is perceived as more friendly to BiH, McCain is here mostly perceived as not that helpful to BiH, but very helpful to Kosovo. No one is silly enough to expect great changes in American policy for this region either way. The real issues for America with the war in Iraq, and the economy which has not been helped by said war are more pressing for Americans.

Anyway it's a nice day today so I am out and around.

I am thinking of doing a guidebook for the city of Sarajevo. I have enough good pictures.

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