Saturday, July 12, 2008


Notes and additions...


Yesterday, I was in Bascarsija for a good bit of the day, but I still did get to see the ceremonies at Potocari. I did not know that not only did Ambassador English participate in the Mars Mir, his wife did so as well. It was only a portion, but he made a point of speaking with people along the way, and made a very good speech before the funeral. The speakers from other countries spoke before the Juma namaz and the funeral prayers. 308 people were buried. Each coffin had a number on it, and they were calmly passed from hand to hand to their place. Thousands of people showed up for the funeral. It was covered on BHT1, FTV and Hayat.

It was interesting watching this in a semi-public setting, namely Easynet. People did come in from time to time to use the computers, but in general it was pretty quiet. I have come to like the people who run that place, especially one of the women, who appears to be around my age. She was moved to tears. I guess I am having a hard time crying, the whole business with Srebenica still makes me angry to tell the truth. I feel horrible every time I see someone who survived this genocide, I want to avenge them if the truth be told. I am not at all known for being forgiving. But the only power I have in the matter aside from lobbying, which I have done, in the past, is to pray for the rest of the souls of the dead, and for the living, maybe the living need our prayers more. The dead by anyone's measure are assured of Paradise, the living however are still going through Hell.

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