Sunday, July 27, 2008


Coverage of the Karadžić arrest locally

First a Housekeeping Moment: Flames will not make it in. Actual information will. Believe me, I am making everyone look BETTER this way!

Now down to business,

There has been a lot of local coverage about Karadžić, but at this point, it is confined to news broadcasts, and regular programming is pretty much back. A few people I know do consider Karadžić was only arrested so Serbia could get into the E.U. It isn't just Serbs who think so... I know a few Muslims who think so and who feel his arrest makes no real difference because 1, there is no justice adequate to what he did, and 2, it took so damned long. When justice is not percieved to be carried out, it harms the law.3, As well in my NTBHO, to delay justice is bad for the perpetrator!

Mostly people are back to normal daily lives at this point. Which is about what one would expect. Euronews didn't do any massive coverage until today! They only cover negative and sad stuff from here, never the things like the women who won the prize for 'Snijeg' at Cannes! There may not be a LOT of good news from here but there is SOME!

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