Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Another beautiful sunny day in Sarajevo

I am staying closer to home because I am not feeling very well. I feel generally tired, I have run fevers on and off, but no cough. I will sweat until I am soaked, and then get cold.
I have at times really gotten the munchies. I made some whole wheat pancakes that really were good. Ate them with cucumbers, onions and a glass of kefir. The first batch were AWFUL, i put in too much baking soda, had to throw them away they were so BAD.
The second batch however were delicious, and I made more for breakfast. Whole wheat bread as I understand whole wheat bread, is kind of hard to get here. I don't do well on white flour. I never awfully liked it except in well, cakes. There it is legitimate, but as bread, nooooooooo!

Then I had some HUGE strawberries from the maloprodavnica on the corner. These strawberries were 2.50KM a kilo, which is CHEAP for strawberries. A half kilo came to like 10 HUGE strawberries. They were sort of hollow inside, but unlike huge strawberries back in the States, they had wonderful taste.
I am doing that again today, since strawberries help keep fevers down. Besides they taste lovely.

BiH is going to sign the pact with the E.U. I hope it helps. Sorry, after my time in Ireland, I have become something of a Eurosceptic, but BiH deserves the chance if that is what the people want.

I guess even though the effects on the ground I saw in Ireland were mostly negative, the only serious opposition to the E.U. in Ireland is Sinn Fein. Their opposition is predictable and totally consistent with their past views on Life the Universe and All That.

I hope E.U. membership will be of help to BiH. It might well be of help here.

I spent most of yesterday asleep, except when I got up to watch 'Bound by Honor'. I watched it on the grounds that it was set in East Lo, and I spent part of my childhood there. The place has changed, mostly for the worse. The film was very stereotyped, but in a strange way it was about family.
The translation job was interesting. I learned some new words. Still, is there REALLY a good Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian translation for 'pendejo'? Seriously? I doubt it!
They translated 'ruca' as 'cura' and a 'ruca' believe you me is NOT a 'cura'!
The film as well ran longer than either the daily news paper schedule or the T.V. Studio schedule said. Still I was glued to it, despite the many cheesy aspects, maybe because of the many cheesy aspects.

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