Thursday, April 03, 2008


Some good news!

I called the S.O.'s relative at the usual time, and he thinks the S.O. may soon be out of the hospital, as well if I am well enough, and the S.O. is well enough, I may be permitted to visit him! That was the best news I have had on that front in some time! Hvala Bog! In fact he said call ahead and he would take me! That was sweet of him!

Anyway I sat around the other internet cafe awhile. Then I went to have a burek and a cola. (here you do not say coke! too close to a slang word for certain special female body parts! sort of like saying cola in Spanish! A thing that was hard for me to get used to! Besides I was afraid of being served the local wanna-be, but that has never happened, a request for a cola has always resulted in just what I asked for!)

I am down at Click now. Click is nice too, I accidentally locked myself in their bathroom however! I am sure loud cries of 'Pomoc! Molim Pomoc!' were the last thing the nice young man there wanted to hear!

All is well that ends well.

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