Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Partly Sunny.

I had errands to run today. So now I know where the snail mail is slithering off to! It never makes it down the stairs AT ALL, it goes upstairs to the English people. I shall have to introduce myself. It is awkward because I haven't done so sooner.

I try not to bother people. (no comments from the Peanut Gallery! )

Anyway that was good news on a number of fronts, for one thing it is generally a good idea to keep your bills paid.

Anyway a fellow Democrat is planning to move here to Sarajevo. An Obama supporter, and that was welcome news. Since I know the city, I can probably even be a little helpful.

I did get my ad placed in one place yesterday. The other place looked not like an office for a newspaper but a fancy place for ladies clothes, VERY fancy, like for rich ladies.

Buildings are not always numbered in an orderly sequence, there are a lot of b.b. s that means 'bez broj' 'without number' and that can confuse matters. I know it is on that street, I don't want to take a taxis someplace I know I can get to on my own two feet! And I can, but I may have to make another couple tries before actually finding the place. The other place yesterday was not that hard to find once I got directions from someone. The challenge there was the seemingly endless succession of murky stairs. NEVER a good thing if you don't see well, adn then the office was four stories up (as Americans count them) over a courtyard that really needs some work. The staff there were friendly and helpful and it did not cost too much to place the ad. So I may leave it at one ad if I don't find the other place and do get response. I won't see response until at least Friday.

I stayed up late and watched 'Cotton Mary', a movie set in Kerala State, India, the part of India with the most Christians. These ones I believe were Protestant. Anyway a fascinating movie, here and there very creepy. I usually am up on Indian films shown outside India, this one like the majority of them, NEVER made it tot the Gulag. No reason it shouldn't have but the zeks and urki there don't get Indian film, not enough people from India to make it worth the theater's while to show an Indian film. Few Indian films even make it to the Soviet of Washington. Pity because the ones that are not pure Bollywood rot can be good!
This one was very nicely filmed. Italians were involved, the casting was brilliant and the sets were perfect.

Joe-Bob says check it out, no blood, three and a half breasts and one dead creepy looking fish or tongue or something.
Some fairly neat elephants too.
It was in interesting step back in time. Do check it out if you see it someplace near you.

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