Saturday, April 12, 2008


Out in the rain again.

It seems like it rains every time I seriously must go out. I don't know why this is, but I guess I ought to be glad it isn't snow. So far the landlord's brother likes my little novel. I did tell him I had ideas for changes, nothing major, just fleshing out my bad guy.

My friend who has the dress shop was looking especially nice today. I thought she had caught cold, and it turned out no, she had been crying, a lot because a neighbor of hers died, a young man of 28 years old. He got cancer and was dead in 3 months. She has known him all his life, she is a little older than him. Anyway that was sad, because he was a nice person. And of course even hearing of such a thing makes you feel bad. So we sat and had coffee.

My ad is out, so far no response. Where it was placed made us all laugh. I remarked to my landlord's brother that it was placed right by the picture of the woman who badly needed to put some clothes on! I said, well the ad should be noticed in such a spot, but probably it explains the wrong number from outside Sarajevo Kanton! I only put my mobile number and said to send an SMS. That is easier really because giving the house line would tie me down. There is competition in the teaching English line, one professor, and one 'highly educated returnee' but no one who is actually a native speaker. So I guess I will have to hang in there and wait for results. I also told my friends at the shop t hey could come free, but I hoped they would bring friends.
For them if t hey came free and it improved their business, that would be great.
I have not heard from the S.O. I SMSed his relative yesterday and no reply. He did have out of town business people he had to host, he may not have been able to go see the S.O. himself, let alone take me. I tried calling him at home. It is entirely possible they kept him longer.
I could not have gone to see him yesterday because I got another little cold. A little cold for me might not be so little for him. So I guess I will try his place again in the course of the day and call his relative later if all else fails.
The weather has been very changeable.
I could not use my usual internet cafe, they had some sort of class going. So I come back down the stairs and I thought it was SNOWING! No it wasn't snow at all, it was some sort of fuzzy little tree seeds. They looked like wingless moths. Cool in a creepy sort of way.
I also learned today that they use the same kind of 'evil eye' beads here that are used in Turkey.
Basically my friend decided to dust her shop displays, and mop, sort of therapy. So she showed me things that are placed too high for me to see. She has some lovely necklaces with real stones, from India, and some other odds and ends high up.
Anyway I got a couple scarves from her. A lady came in and got a skirt.
My friend has taken my advice about always wearing at least one item from her own stock.

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