Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Anniversary of the founding of the Bosnian Army

I have wondered what was up with all the ads for the Bosnian Army on BHT1. It isn't like this country has or even needs a big army at this point. These ads were very well done though, and have been run a lot.

The S.O. went to a follow up exam yesterday, his brother took him. I am glad someone did, because he told me in some frustration that just going back up those four flights of stairs was miserable. I said 'Well you were in the hospital a long time, you were very sick, it is going to take time to be something like normal.' He still sounded sad, so I said 'Well I am glad you at least can call me!' He asked me where I'd been most of the day, I guess he had called while I was out, so I told him. And that was that. I think it may be longer before he can come over. At least I am in some sort of shape to be able to go see him, when he is up for it. He isn't yet.

On the way home yesterday I got some stinging nettles and some leaves that taste very garlicky and some rose hips. The lady that sold these things was a cute village lady, probably about 60, in a scarf and dimije. She was really adorable. if she was a whole four feet tall I'd be surprised. She knew all the medicinal uses of her plants too. For 1KM fresh, relatively bug free green leafies is a deal!
I am looking up a recipe for stinging nettle soup. I used to have an Irish cook book that had a recipe, but you tend to keep the weight down when you go places like Sarajevo! So Google is my FRIEND again!
A second student messaged me about the class, I have set a class time now, and I will see whether another ad is even necessary. I want at least six students.
It is BEAUTIFUL out today! GORGEOUS. Last night there was sheet lightening all around. I tried to photograph it or film it but it was not predictable enough so I gave up and just enjoyed the show. Batteries must be getting old again, I notice that the reaction time on my camera gets bad when that happens. I am relieved I found a place nearby to get more.
It really is nice here in Spring. I am hearing more American and English voices when I am out and about. The buses are more crowded because people actually feel like going someplace.
I had to go pay a bill, and took it to the Main Post Office, there was a pigeon flying around in there. That provided some entertainment while I waited.

So what does your S.O. have? Any good clues at least? He sounds depressed too which can cause tiredness and weakness.

Why doesn't he exchange his 4th floor apartment for one lower down? Or why doesn't he sell his apartment and move to Dubrovnik with his relatives?

Perhaps the warmer weather and sunlight will help him. When he feels up to it he should go on walks.
As to what is wrong with the S.O. Giving too many hints or clues would be more than I should say. He probably is depressed. The ironic thing is most of the medicines intended to help his condition list depression as a possible adverse effect, and being very ill is itself depressing. He isn't yet up for walks. We were going to take walks together when the weather got better. I am BIG on walks! Taking walks is the only reason I am not a walking pile of lard as opposed to mildly overweight, and probably the secret of what sanity I have.
Still there are times people really are not up for walks. Eventually he will be o.k. I can say that he actually got off kind of lucky. His problem they can help here.
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