Sunday, March 09, 2008


what I woke up to....

what I woke up to....
Originally uploaded by Yakima_gulag
So as you can see, I was going nigdje, it was very cold and wet snow. I also ended up catching the flu and could hardly walk in the house. The S.O. is kind of responsible, his sister had the flu, and he didn't get it really, but she was so sick that the doctor made a house call for her. She can barely walk and she lives in a big tower block someplace along Sniper Alley. Anyway, today was the first day that I have felt well enough to go more than a block. The snow is mostly melted now. Great piles of it fell from the roof, it was really ominous sounding.
I watched very little T.V. until yesterday, there wasn't much I wanted to see, and then when there was, I fell asleep, even when I was interested. Mostly I stayed in bed, I got up to make soup and hot tea, and pudding. Everything else bothered me. I drank jogurt too. That helped. I have definatelty lost some weight. I still have a cough, and I still feel a bit wobbly, but at least my brain doesn't feel like it is sloshing around in my head, with every step like yesterday.
I did however succumb to the cheesy fun of Eurovision BiH, that was NUTS! Laka has a good chance of winning, if children in BiH are any reliable barometer.
Imagine if a guy dressed like Minni Mouse practically, and another guy in a really ridiculous suit carrying a handsome and amazingly calm rooster come on stage, there are people dancing with scythes, and the local wooden pitchforks and rakes dressed in early 20th century striped men's swim suits, there is complete chaos, and the rooster is so calm, he doesn't even mess on the stage, he just wanders around wondering what all these crazy people are up to....
It was surreal.
Good luck Laka!
Oh and then there was the totally sweet little girl who came and brought the guys a rose and kissed the one who was more or lest dressed like a man...

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