Friday, March 14, 2008


To all my friends with 'Word Verification':

I can't always comment when there is 'Word Verification'! The software needed to even display Word Verification isn't in use in a lot of internet clubs here. So if you have not seen my comments, it isn't because I haven't wanted to comment, it isn't because I quit reading your blogs, it is because I simply can't comment. It is why I just do administrator approval. I can weed out the spam personally and real flamebait actually doesn't get through all that often. I only put the best written flames.
Anyway, I miss being able to comment, and I wish there were an easy way for a blogger to screen out spam, and bad stuff, without having to install Word Verification or to do it the hard way, something like a 'Trusted Commentator' deal, where regular reader-bloggers could automatically bypass Word Verification. I know it doesn't exist but some bright young thing should really invent it. :).

Yeah, I know it's a bother. I use it because it is the only way that works (most of the time) to filter out automatically generated messages, which at least at one time drowned out the comments by actual people. I wish I could find another way too.
Well, admittedly your blog probably gets way more spam than mine, because yours has been in existence longer, and has a much bigger readership. In fact the fact I even have much readership has probably to do with the fact you link to me! :)
So my solution of only allowing comments that are approved personally by myself is probably not a realistic option for you.

What is sad is that from here in your usual Sarajevo internet club, the word verification thing doesn't even DISPLAY! So it is a hoop I don't even get to jump through! (As you remember, I used to when I was back in the Gulag!) Which is sad because your blog has the most interesting content and comments over all, and I very often wish to respond. I still read your blog first, and anyone else next.
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