Sunday, March 09, 2008


Breaking the Laws of Physics

I am still looking through pictures I took from T.V. for the completely awesome stecak that I saw on T.V. they re-ran one program and I took screen shots of this awesome stecak that is basically a huge square flat, I am not sure of it's weight but trust me it is massive, on top of it, is a large house shaped block, and the lot are sitting on three MUCH smaller stones, probably heavy, but I bet I could shift them if I really really really HAD to. The amazing thing is that the big flat square doesn't break under the weight of the big rectangular house shaped block. Stecci have always fascinated me. I saw my first pictures of one in an art book my late mother had. I always wanted to know more about them, and the program on them was very interesting. They are all over Bosnia Hercegovina, but the only ones I actually have seen were by the museum, moved there from other places. I will post the pictures of the one I am talking about just as soon as I find them.

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