Friday, February 01, 2008


Sunny today

Well today turned out nice. If the S.O. is coming over, it won't be until later, so I can go ahead and indulge my mild internet addiction. I got some suho meso the other day, it is delicious stuff, this was 'biftek' so it was made from beef, but if you have a fatty bit of it, and slice it thin, then you get as close as my Muslim neighbors ever will get to having slanina, the ultra delicious regional form of bacon. I was watching T.V. last night and was very hungry, but because of all the trouble I had with my stomach did not want a big meal, so I sliced up some of the suho meso, and just ate it with some pieces of garlic and had some wine with it. Very good and did not bother my stomach. For some reason, COOKED suho meso is not as easy for me to digest.
I took the skirts back and exchanged them, the ones I got instead look nice. Since there is not a real dressing room there, it is better to just take them home, try them on with a mirror handy and then make sure they don't go up too much in the back, that I can actually walk, sit down, get up, breathe, so on. One looks a hair too small, the black one, but maybe it isn't, We'll see.

So I see by the papers that Obama and Hillary Clinton have made peace. That would be a good idea, because the time has come to stop tearing up the Democratic party, and to go for victory.
Infighting is never a good thing.

So the big Serbian elections are this Sunday, and Koštunica announced that he was not able to endorse EITHER candidate. It is going to be a very close election. There was even some campaigning in BiH, up in Republika Srpska. I have to say people here really know how to do a campaign rally! There were dancers and there was music.

Dodik was shown on T.V. at a HUGE party, there were Roma musicians who had a brass band, and roasting critters, mass quantities of rakija, beer, wine, etc. itd. and it looked like they were all having a high old time.
Nearly half an hour of this wild wing-ding was shown.

People here really know how to throw a party.

It is absolutely lovely out today, not bleak like yesterday. The street repairs in Baščaršija are not blocking access to Easynet so much. The people here are very friendly. Whole families come on the weekends to call their overseas relatives on Skype.

They are going to start showing 'Hello Kitty' on FTV. Ivan the Terrible's girlfriend is a big fan of 'Hello Kitty'. She collects memorabilia ....
So now I can see what the fuss is all about. I watched a show called 'The Peacemaker' I take notes at such times, I learned how to ask for a light, 'Imas li vatra?' literally, 'Do you have fire?' A dear friend of mine in the Yakima Gulag asks for a light that way, and she is mostly Irish! She loved it when I shared that with her!

About the US elections, if Obama gets the democratic nomination-I hope that he will ask Bill Richardson to be is running mate; Richardson has a lot of foreign policy experience, exactly the area where Obama is percieved to be the weakest.
If Clinton gets the nomination; I'm not sure who would be a good running mate. On the other hand, I read on another forum that Bill Clinton & Bill Richardson were watching football together recently-could mean something, or could mean nothing at all.
@Shaina, Bill Richardson is one of my favorite people in American politics, he is from the State of New Mexico, where I lived for many years, in fact I met him personally in the course of one of his early campaigns, I was too young to vote yet, and told him so, but he still talked with me at length about politics, I mean he actually went to the coffee stand, He bought Me a coffee, and sat on a tailgate of my friend's pickup, a friend was selling some silverwork, and he asked me what I thought about everything! Now here I was not going to be eligiable to vote for like the next two years and he did that. I really have always respected him for that alone, and then my step-father who was fairly important in an NGO in New Mexico got to know him fairly well, and what he thought of him only increased my respect. I was really sorry to be too far away to vote for him for governor, he is one of the best minds in the Democratic Party. Any candidate t hat gets the nomination should consider him as a running mate. He is half Mexican-American, and the other half is your basic American Anglo-Celtic mix, and he speaks fluent Spanish.
Hillary is really liked here in BiH because she came here when it was not at all safe to do it. Anyone who came here in those days gets points, so if Bosnians could vote for the president of the U.S. they'd probably mostly vote for Hillary.
Most of my problem with Obama is his lack of knowlege of foreign policy, and I don't think he can h andle the U.S. economy, especially in the mess it's in right now. The U.S. dollar should not be about even with the K.M. Sorry, that is not how it should be. The U.S. dollar should be a strong currency.
There is simply no excuse.
I'd actually like to see Richardson as Secretary of State.

I'd also like Joe Biden as Sec. of Defense and John Edwards as Attorney General.
@Kirk, that would actually be a brilliant line up! Hadn't looked at it that way.
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