Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Well that was brilliant! NOT!

I left the house without my mobile phone. Normally I do not go even room to room in the house without it, because someone might call, and I do not want to miss my calls. I take it with me when I am out for the same reason. It is happily sucking in current back home, while I am here at BIT internet cafe. Oh well! The snow is melting, and I am going to put up the picture of the mysterious window to nowhere. I have a mysterious window to nowhere in my flat. I should have mentioned it earlier, it's kind of cool. I have had all kinds of fun speculating about what it is. I have no clue. I think now that there may have once been a room between the entryway and the bathroom, and that the window was left in to baffle people. Maybe it's intended to trap anyone stupid enough to try breaking in.

BiH initialed the stuff that leads to being part of the E.U. yesterday there was some sort of big ceremony about it. It got rid of something I wanted to watch and the something I wanted to watch was bumped in favor of a stupid French soap.

Today something I actually wanted to watch was replaced with some sort of film from 1979 of a big party for a lot of ex-Partizans. I have no clue why that was the case. Sometimes the T.V. listings are only the vaguest notion. The Celtics vs Milan game got switched with a game that involved some team from Italy and some team from Russia. I watched only part of the game as it interfered with my watching 'Zona sumaraka'
The story on it was why NEVER to take a short cut in New Mexico. It was pretty good.

I am not enough of a football fan to miss 'Zona sumaraka' in favor of a game unless my S.O. is here to watch it. I have as much fun watching his reactions as I have watching the game. He really gets excited.

I don't know how much I'll be in over the weekend. He's supposed to come back from his stuff he had to do down South. As always, paray for peace. 10th of December is lurking and who knows what that could mean.

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