Tuesday, November 27, 2007


A nice day out..

I got out a little earlier than usual, it is unusually nice out, and I needed a break from the house.
During yesterday s trip home I got some pop corn. today I was able to find some nice curry powder for fairly cheap, I also found some lovely tinned herrings with dill, so I am going to go and get more, they are enough for two people for a light lunch and very delicious. For some weird reason I can not seem to get either dill leaves or powdered horse-radish. Here is the almighty word count 42,179 So I need me a few more words by Friday, before would be good. It is only Tuesday so I think I can manage. My computer gave me fits this morning. I had a screen freeze and I am not on the internet at home. So I had to do a hard shut down just to sort things out. It is allright for now. but man that was all I needed ! NOT!

The whole Star wars series is being shown on F.T.V. I watched last night, I was too tired to sit up and read sub-titles. Next Monday maybe.

10 of the Srebenica women got the right to sue the Netherlands. Why only 10 got the right is weird, but I suppose there is some warped legal logic I am too normal to understand.

finger crossed for your NaNo competition...just a few more words and it'll be over

In Italy is very cold, then warmer and then cold again...climate changing. anyway, no snow so far

the star war series is amazing. In Italy everything is dubbed and also the characters' names are translate or changed (with no particular criteria) so I've never been able to discuss about these movies with no Italian people...that's unfair ;-)

take care

ps. as for the 10 women allowed to sue the netherlands, maybe owen, who is an expert, has got any ideas of the reasons behind the decision.
I guess 10 being allowed to sue is better than no one being allowed to sue, but I think that it has been the case a long time in the Balkans that the wrong people get protected.
Certainly not an expert, Lesha, but I'll try and find out!
Jurist, the University of Pittsburgh School of Law website which has been a pretty careful and scrupulous reporter of matters relating to Srebrenica reports that:
"A court in the Netherlands ruled Tuesday that the families of approximately 8,000 Bosnian Muslims who were killed in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre can proceed with their class action lawsuit against the United Nations and the Netherlands filed June 4, according to lawyer Marco Gerritsen, who represents approximately 6,000 family members of victims in the lawsuit. Gerritsen said the court ruled the case can proceed in spite of the UN's claim of immunity under Article 2 Section 2 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, which says that the UN's property and assets "shall enjoy immunity from every form of legal process except it has expressly waived its immunity." The thousands of Srebrenica survivors who filed the lawsuit allege that both the Netherlands and the UN are liable for their failure to protect civilians, many of whom were refugees that relocated to the Srebrenica enclave declared to be a "safe area" by the UN Security Council in 1993."


If you go to the webiste of the firm of lawyers representing the women, Van Diepen Van Der Kroef, you can find the writ of summons in the case which is issued in the names of eleven applicants, eight named women, two unnamed plaintiffs, and the Mothers of Srebrenica Foundation.


Putting these two together it sounds as if the ten women are the ten individual applicants and your report, Lesha, has concentrated on them and ignored the fact that the Mothers of Srebrenica, representing the other relatives, were party to the successful application.
Thank's Owen.
Meanwhile I found the news in the website of osservatorio sui balcani and soon understood what was the matter.
btw, I haven't reported anything, as I read here about the 10 women I was just interested in understanding how things went.

have a nice sunday
Sorry, it was Katja's source, not Lesha's.
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