Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Worried a little

Vote for Colbert! c'mon you know you want to!

I see now why this fun but totally UN related to the Balkans story got on, is part of the url.

I'm actually rather worried about the state of U.S. Turkish relations, not only out of concern for world peace, Middle East peace and the people of both countries, but because of immediate possible implications for myself.

A.T.M.s in BiH do not ALL process withdrawals from foreign accounts, they 1. only process your specific card and 2. may or may not process foreign withdrawals and there's a daily limit, no matter how much money you have in your account. This is a good thing, but there are times when I need the advantage of a higher limit, and frankly the best one for me is a Turkish run bank. Not only that, I feel very secure using their A.T.M.s as they have a security person on premises nearby if one needed help. This goes for both the A.T.M.s belonging to this bank that I typically use. As well their computers have only been down ONCE and it didn't affect both these A.T.M.s at the same time. So I tend to use them a lot for that reason. My next most likely A.T.M. is from a Croatian run bank and after that a German run bank.

Anyway, I really worry about it, EVERY time I've watched C.N.N. lately.

Oh this is too cute, a bird, just was at the window, looked in, and flew off. I love birds, and there are a lot of different birds here in Sarajevo, not just pigeons and crows, mapies and wrens, but other sorts of birds, many of them unfamiliar to me.

The windows here are quite popular with birds for some reason so I see a lot of them.

So now the soup is on, I fried both sides of the soup meat, in sunflower oil, with my seasonings, some 'Mediterranean mix, some fresh ground pepper, a little salt and a little Vegeta. Fried both sides until the fat was browned, then I put in some wine and let it simmer a bit.

Then I cut up and cleaned the veggies. I added the carrot leaves after finding out the leaves of carrots have MANY wonderful healing qualities, the other root vegetables I am not so sure what they are or if their leaves are safe to eat or tasty, if so, they will be added too. If not, no.

I am going to let that all simmer a bit and add the cabbage. I got just one big cabbage down at the Municipal Market. I put in the left over plain lentils and rice. It's all in a big pot on the stove.

Not much worth watching locally on T.V. today. I do have Larry King on.

I was a big fan of his radio show Back in The Day.

Larry King saved me and my kids from a burgler. I always used to leave the radio on at night the kids and I were in bed, and I woke to hear noises at the front door, so I grabbed my burgler basher with one hand and began fiddling with the radio dial, turning it down before commercials and up just enough so when he yelled at people that came out. He has a nice deep voice, and my little ruse worked really well.

I heard footsteps then saw a shadowy form then quiet, so I went to the living room, the door was wide open but no one was around. I got a handkerchief out of my pocket, closed the door using it, and called the police.

The next day the landlord also got a call. In Washington State if anything happens to a tenant because the lock doesn't work, your survivors can sue the landlord. I reminded him of that, it was still a pretty fresh lawsuit. And he had a guy put in the first dead-bolt in that complex.

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