Saturday, October 13, 2007


Nebo iznad krajolika and other fun...

Being stuck at home here of a Saturday evening is by no means all bad. Last night there was the third part of 'Nebo iznad krajolika' which it turns out was in the Sarajevo Film Festival. I found that out flipping through the outdated copy of Sarajevo Navigator the landlord left for me to peruse. Anyway, the series got funnier yet, the sturdy Mehmet and the French girl arrive in the next village, where the Federation Mandated (my words not theirs!) Village Drunk a good friend of Mehmets is swigging from a really intimidating bottle of rakija, and is happy to lend his cell phone. There is a circle of stones, which is the ONLY decent reception area for kilometers, he tells the French girl to stay inside the circle and who not to call and keeps saying 'razumijes?!?' 'razumijes!?' after each spate of slurred incomprehensible instructions. She gets on the phone.Her call is dropped, she has a real hissy fit and throws the phone on the ground swearing richly in French. Mehmet and she set off on the tractor, with the Village Drunk who now needs a new cell phone and who of course doesn't care who or why his cell phone was destroyed, it will cut into his rakija budget seriously!

There is by the way a WONDERFUL village tavern. It involves former members of from Mehmet's point of view the wrong side of the war, a roasting pig,a very old man with a VERY long beard, something in the ZZ Top level of hairieness, and a few younger men with tatooos who look scary to me! and a hardened but friendly enough middle aged waitress/owner of the establishment. There is a lot of drunken singing, the songs involve various profanities you don't want your children to have translated for them, accordian playing, it's all very jolly.

There is a Fed Ex delivery of something by a ravishing girl on a beautiful little Bosnian pony. The pony looks like someone shrank a Lippizaner, gorgeous little beast. The girl is a knock out too. The package is for Mehmet.

I won't tell you what's in it, that Would be Telling.

At the other end the phone call sets off a trek by French girl's friends, including one very fat guy who insists on a stop at the Supermarket to stock up on road foods.

Guess where the Supermarket is? Just take a wild guess!

NO you probably will NEVER believe this, but it is the VERY Samshop Supermarket near my place! The very one,The building behind it was just being finished when Nebo iznad krajolika' was filmed!

Friday night, I watched some strange historical drama which involved bandits, kidnapped women,other bad stuff, the hero finding his lovely wife in bed with someone else on his return from foreign parts, a beautiful Bosnian young lady who has an affair with a French guy, lots of horses, lots of shooting, and because I came in at the middle, I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep so I went to the living room and turned on the T.V. that was the least boring thing on. I'm not altogther sure what the show was. It wasn't bad,kind of the Bosnian equivalent of a Western. Wonderful costuming and sets.

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