Thursday, October 11, 2007


Id Bajram greetings to any Muslim readers

So even though I'm Catholic myself, I decided to watch the special Id Bajram programs as that is an experience I wouldn't have in the U.S.
Now there's a program of religious music, and it's quieted down outside, there were a lot of firecrackers and what sounded to my ears like small arms fire.
I suppose most of my neighbors are having gatherings of family and friends.
Speaking of friends, I am absolutely sure I saw my favorite taxi driver on T.V.
There were two different places that the big Id prayers were offered, Gazi Husref Beg, where Ceric officiated, and Careva where another religious leader presided, I'm sorry I didn't get his name, fine print, fuzzy reception despite cable and your friendly editor's bad eye sight. I think my favorite cabbie was at that service, that or someone who looked a LOT like him.
A largely male crowd, although one guy brought a girlfriend and they were outside, she was dressed in jeans. She obviously could not have gone in, they sat on the grass outside.
I saw too when people were leaving an older Bosnian Muslim lady walking slowly over the bridge by the Careva mosque.

The workmen seem to have the day off, they've earned it!

The music on T.V. is quite lovely, and very old fashioned, it's very beautiful

I am told that this phone could take 20 hours to charge up! ooooj well I'm doing little else today....

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