Monday, September 17, 2007


Second Installment:

I found a different Internet Cafe, up a mess of scary steps, scary because of the lack of any railing, I am able here to upload pictures and that means I am much happier! I can finally clear my camera because tonight, I mean to get out and get some more cool pictures! Dubrovnik is awesome, I knew that, but I was not clear on the concept of it's total and complete awesomeness. I was fortunate to end up in a room in the Old City with a very nice host family, the little daughter and the mom speak English, and gave good advice on eateries among other things. They did say that this is the best Internet Cafe, so despite having been on earlier elsewhere, I came, mostly because the pix must go up.
there are WAY more pix than I counted on!

Getting closer and closer. Will this stay the Yakima Gulag Gazett?
Yakima, I haven't seen you on Bosnia Vault Blog commenting for quite some time.

I would like to invite you to come and read the latest article that I posted @ Srebrenica Genocide Blog: "MIND OF SICK MONSTER: TRIAL OF CHEMICAL TOLIMIR", here is the link:

Hope you find time to read this latest article in full and comment... Thanks!

PS: Other great blog I highly recommend is "Americans for Bosnia" edited by Kirk Johnson who is, above all, a great humanist and one of the smartest people I had an opportunity to exchange opinions with. Here is the link:


@Daniel, if you look at my sidebar, you will realize that Kirk's blog is linked here. He's a calm and sensible guy.
@Owen, it will remain The Yakima Gulag Literary Gazett.
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