Friday, September 28, 2007


M.I.B.s Balkans Style

M.I.B.s Balkans Style
Originally uploaded by Yakima_gulag
Just one of the perks of life in the Balkans, mysterious goings on on T.V.! This shot is from a program I rather enjoyed called 'Folk Show'.
The male announcer looks a bit like Lawrence Welk, there is a bubble machine that goes crazy from time to time, I mean really crazy! and then there's like MASS accordions, but that is where the resemblance to the late Lawrence Welk's show ENDS! :)
The music is of course Bosnian music but there are these mysterious M.I.B.s. I don't know, maybe they are going to use those things they are carrying to probe someone! Where are they from, someone must know, it all went by too fast for me!

O.K. it's a long time ago now, but I found out the funny long things were a part of a chimney-sweep's equipment, I found that out from a picture on a package of candy I purchased over there, I've been meaning to put something up about this for awhile!
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