Sunday, September 30, 2007


Latest Addictive Bosnian T.V. Show

Trust me this is pretty funny. It's in Bosnian and French. Of course the French is subtitled, and the Bosnian isn't. I suspect it's filmed in Lukomir or someplace very similar. There are a lot of real people in this as opposed to actors, and the humor is very broad.
I watched the first episode my second night in Sarajevo, and then made my friend watch it with me last night. He probably didn't find it as funny as I did, but he enjoyed it too.
There were times I was literally rolling on the floor laughing my butt off.
Those of my readers who don't speak Bosnian should look at it anyway for the scenery. It isn't quite like this around Sarajevo, but it is up way in the hills where there aren't tour busses. Speaking of which, they have a lot of fun with tourists in this show. :)

The premise of the show is there is this cute French girl out para-gliding. She doesn't speak ANY Bosnian, she has no knowlege of Bosnian customs or ways and she crashes in this tiny Bosnian Muslim village in the middle of exactly no where. The ONLY word that everyone understands is 'telephone'!
And the fun begins from that point.
This is a show on F.T.V. and several bits of the first two episodes are up on YouTube.

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