Tuesday, September 04, 2007


In Dublin

I landed in Dublin about 7 am local time. I love Dublin, and am looking forward to seeing a dear friend here. I liked seeing my Dad, it has satisfied a bit over 40 years of curiosity on both sides. He was very hospitable to me, and his caregivers were too. Florida is too hot for me, so landing in the more temperate climate of Ireland was welcome. I'm right on O'Connell street, across from the G.P.O.
hvala Bogu, I had a pleasant flight. I need to get a voltage converter sometime here. I am at least sure of my apartment in Sarajevo.
I know from reading Slobodna Dalmacija online that there are a lot of forest fires still in Croatia. I have to catch up on other regional news.

in fact the obit pages mention the tragic deaths of a number of young fire fighters.

Pardon me for making you all copy and past, I'm working with an unfamiliar European type keyboard. In a couple days my hands will adapt I hope.


oh just for giggles and ahem!


Richard Gere thinks Slivo put some hair on his chest. I don't think slivo is safe for vegetarians.

Effect of the heatwave in the rest of SE Europe has been rather over-shadowed by the horrendous consequences in Greece. Hope it's eased up by the time you arrive.
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