Sunday, September 30, 2007


New Mass Grave Near Tuzla

I do not yet have a link for this, but F.T.V. here in Sarajevo reports the discovery of a new mass grave near to Tuzla.

There should be an English language link soon, and when it comes, I'll put it up.

The newly discovered grave site is located at Zeleni Jadar, south of Srebrenica. This is a secondary mass grave, meaning the bodies were buried first at some other location and then dug up with bulldozers and moved by truck to this site, in order to hide the evidence of the mass murders. In the process the bodies of the victims are often mangled, with parts of skeletons sometimes winding up in several different secondary graves. This can make identification difficult. Forensic scientists need to have a certain percentage of a person's body in order to be able to tell surviving relatives for sure that their loved one is dead and to release remains for burial. A leg bone or an arm is not enough - someone could have had a leg shot off and survived long enough to be buried elsewhere.

In the ten days since this exhumation was begun, 13 complete and more than 70 partial sets of human remains have been dug up at this new mass grave site. This is the eighth such site found thus far near the village of Zeleni Jadar.
Forensic evidence found with the remains indicates that these are bodies of Bosnian Muslims from Srebrenica who were killed at Kravica in July 1995.

The team of forensic scientists conducting the exhumation at this mass grave site are from the Commission for Missing Persons, based at Tuzla, which is about two hours' drive to the northwest.

Until the images disappear from the Web (as they usually do within two weeks after they're first posted), you can download wire service photos of this newly discovered horror at
@ annonymous, thanks for sending this, because the death of R.S. President Jelić drowned out what usually would have been good English language coverage of this find from my usual sources for English language links. Therefore a usable link hasn't shown up those places at all.
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