Wednesday, August 22, 2007


A quiet day in the Greater St. Louis area

Alright, housekeeping, someone wants to start a flame war on my blog, and it's not going to be permitted. You know who you are, forget about it, go away.

It's funny too, because even though I've had Balkans related news, it's been a few days since the remarks that offended the flamer were made by a COMMENTATOR, a VISITOR to this blog. To me doing that is chicken-shit behavior, go to the commentator's blog, that person DOES have a blog.

Alright, that is off my chest....

To far more pleasant business.....

Today was a quiet day. I spent it in the company of my son and his girlfriend, who is a nice girl. I like her. They get along well. We went shopping for movie watching junk food, and then had all the wrong cords, so we had a Nerd party instead, each of us sitting in the same room sending one another links on our laptops, or going to look at things on each other's lap tops. We drove around, I saw their place. It's very small. So it made sense to hang out in the hotel room I'm in, more electrical outlets, and more room and there's a fridge, a TV, a microwave and hi speed wireless is free with the room. So tomorrow we'll go to the Zoo in St. Louis, or the Science Center. Kat is really cute and sweet and funny. She really appreciates Ivan the Terrible too.
Anyway I'm enjoying seeing them.

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