Sunday, July 01, 2007


Sunny Sunda too!

Priests Beat Imams in Football Match\06\30\story_30-6-2007_pg7_5

Well at least there wasn't a football riot after the match! And the money went for a good cause. Still I had this funny mental picture of priests in cassocks and imams in their robes and turbans running about kicking a football, a visual which delighted me. Of course the orphans will be better cared for because of this so regardless of religion, God's work was done.

Poison Toothpaste from China could reach BiH

Given how many 'discount' stores and 'drugstores' there are in BiH which sell goods at lower prices, somewhat like the 'Dollar Store' chain in the U.S. I have actually been pretty concerned about the arrival of unsafe goods from China.

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